
     With the founding of the monastery, Grigorii Bakuriani has taken care to provide it with all necessary liturgical and theological literature, duly described in Tipika as part of liturgical books are richly overlaid with silver, gold and precious stones bindings. In early HVІІІv., During his visit to Bachkovo, the French traveler Paul Lucas mentioned very rich monastery library, jealously guarded by the monks. Unfortunately later the majority of these books are lost, some exported, such as Sinaksar of XІc. Now located  in the Athens library, etc.. During 1928-29g. Archpriest Ivan Goshev counted in the library 103 manuscripts and 252 incunabula, most of which are now delivered in the Church History Museum and Institute in Sofia. Currently, the monastery library has about 5000 volumes. Among these editions of Church Slavonic by XІXc., for the liturgy brought from Russia, theological literature, and many fiction, mostly by Bulgarian authors.


                                          Liturgical Gospel, XIX century.


                                                                                   Header page of the Gospel according of St.Matthew.


                                                                                     Musical codex, eastern notes(nevmi), XVII-XVIIIcc.                                                        


                                                                                            Page of the Actd of the Apostles, XVI century(?).


                                                                            Engraving from the illustrated guiding book for the Holy Lands, XVIII-XIXcc.

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The monastic fraternity constantly makes every endeavor to maintain the Cloister of the Holy Virgin at its best condition; this is the condition the cloister really deserves to be in, in order to welcome the thousands of pilgrims that visit it every year, truly beautifully and impress them.
The maintenance of the fund and the restoration of the many unique frescoes, inherited by the holy forefathers, could be quite costly and the monastery does not always manage to cover all the expenses. For this very reason, we turn for help to every Christian and to everyone who values the Bachkovo monastery, to contribute within their means and thus join our efforts.

Every charitable deed will be welcomed with honest gratitude and intercessory prayer in the name of Jesus Christ and the Holy Mother for wellbeing and success of the contributor and their family.


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